
XAL 23 News



XAL 23 News - 2

installation track suspended pole round square/round SPOT LINE OPAL DARKLIGHT direct direct direct indirect TILA TARO GIRA NOBA CONEX system system CONEX system CONEX system CONEX system downlight wallwasher downlight adjustable

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XAL 23 News - 3

VARO track system system system system

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XAL 23 News - 5

§n MOVE IT 10 is a particularly slim track system. The dimmable low-voltage track, available as a recessed, surface-mounted, sus-pended or pole version, is impressive thanks to its unusually slender cross-section. Both the round and square forms have a clear width of only 10 mm. MOVE IT 10’s design is minimalistic. The insets’ adapter are fully hidden in the track. The tracks are available in black, white and chrome (standard for the round version). They are connected by Corner or Curve elements for an edgy or softly rounded appearance. Extend MOVE IT 10 with various linear or...

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XAL 23 News - 6

££ Depending on the desired appear-ance and installation, the 48 V track system is available as a trimless re-cessed-mounted, surface-mounted, suspended or pole version. £1 Je nach gewünschter Erscheinung und Montage ist das 48V-Stromschie-nensystem als randlose Einbau-, Anbau-, abgehängte oder als Pole Variante verfügbar. Create individual arrangements ££ Let your creativity run wild and ar-range MOVE IT 10 at will. Special Curve and Corner elements enable the straight tracks to be connected to form harmoni-ous curves or precise corners. Since all elements fit together, you can configure...

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XAL 23 News - 7

recessed surface suspended pole H In both the round and square form, the track opens options for flexible application. Their track diameter is only 29 mm, presenting a reduced and sleek appearance. Many insets offer an optional flush adapter to create an even, visually calm ceiling appearance. HI In runder und eckiger Form bietet die Stromschiene flexible Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Ihr Durchmesser misst bis zu 29 mm - für eine reduzierte und edle Optik. Viele Insets verfügen über einen bündigen Adapter, wodurch ein ebenes, optisch ruhiges Deckenbild entsteht. Colour variety H The tracks are...

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Mounting variety EN With precise corners or harmonious curves, the MOVE IT 10 system sets no limits to creativity. Elegant insets for different applications make the track system even more flexible. Egal ob mit präzisen Ecken oder harmonischen Kurven, das MOVE IT 10 System setzt der Kreativität keine Grenzen. Elegante Insets für verschiedene Anwendungen machen das Schienensystem noch flexibler.

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Connector overview EN A large selection of different connectors – in L-, T-, X-shape – provides even more flexibility. With the Ceiling to Wall Connector, roof slopes with different angles can also be realised. Für noch mehr Flexibilität sorgt eine große Auswahl an unterschiedlichen Verbindern – in L-, T-, X-Form. Mit dem Ceiling to Wall Connector lassen sich zudem Dachschrägen mit verschiedenen Winkeln realisieren. Linear Connector Flex Connector Ceiling to Wall Connector Level Connector Pass Through Connector EN With the Level Connector, two tracks that are placed on top of each other can...

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Types surface recessed trimless level connector ceiling to wall connector MOVE IT 10 system recessed trimless / surface Thin extruded aluminium profile with 16 mm (trimless) or 11 mm (surface) height and 10 mm width groove; optionally for trimless installation in plasterboard ceilings (wall or ceiling mounting) with 12.5 mm ceiling thickness; MOVE IT 10 trimless profile with processing protection against penetration of filler; or for wall-/ceiling surface mounting; designed for continuous lighting systems; flexible system design through L, T or X connectors or by means of FLEX or LEVEL...

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Order options INSTALLATION TRACK ORDER CODE *incl. plasterin protection cover T connector mechanical T connector electrical X connector mechanical X connector electrical only for recessed trimless linear connector electrical_ linear connector mechanical_ more electrical and mechanical connectors see p. 19 ORDER CODE INSTALLATION TRACK channel channel channel channel curve channel curve channel ORDER CODE linear connector electrical_ linear connector mechanical_ more electrical and mechanical connectors see p. 19 ORDER CODE BLIND COVER custom cut blind cover ORDER CODE ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES...

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level connector MOVE IT 10 system suspended Thin extruded aluminium profile with 10 mm width groove; choice of angular (38 mm height) or tubular (28 mm height) design; for suspended mounting (cable suspension, height adjustment without tools, incl. black feed); with integrated power track profile on both sides for take off of supply voltage and DALI-2 signal; power supply and DALI-2 signal for both power tracks with only one feed by means of pass-through connector; designed for continuous lighting systems; flexible system design through L, T or X connectors or by means of LEVEL connectors;...

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XAL 23 News - 15

Order options MOVE IT 10 square suspended MATERIAL COLOUR INSTALLATION TRACK ORDER CODE MATERIAL COLOUR MOVE IT 10 ROUND linear connector electrical_ linear connector mechanical_ more electrical and mechanical connectors see page 19 ORDER CODE MOVE IT 10 round suspended INSTALLATION TRACK ORDER CODE linear connector electrical_ linear connector mechanical_ more electrical and mechanical connectors see page 19 ORDER CODE BLIND COVER see page 17 INDIRECT LIGHT INSET see page 17 CABLE SUSPENSION / CANOPY/ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES cable susp. linear connector_ 1500 cable susp. linear conn....

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Mounting types MOVE IT 10 system pole Thin extruded aluminium profile with 10 mm width groove; choice of angular (38 mm height) or tubular (28 mm height) design; for vertical and horizontal mounting; easy installation of the mounting set, incl. feed; with integrated power track profile on both sides for take off of supply voltage and DALI-2 signal; power supply and DALI-2 signal for both power tracks with only one feed by means of pass-through connector; designed for continuous lighting systems; flexible system design through L, T or X connectors or by means of LEVEL connectors; surface...

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