Gruppe: Ali Group S.r.l. a Socio Unico

Forni elettrici modulari Electric modular ovens Fours électriques modulaires Elektrische Modulbacköfen Hornos eléctricos modulares
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LINEE RIGOROSE Forni elettrici modulari con camera passo 30 cm. Domitor è un grande classico della cottura elettrica statica, capace di offrirti ottime prestazioni professionali. Ha un piano in mattone refrattario che assicura una buona tenuta del calore e ti permette di fare sia una cottura tradizionale a mattone sia una cottura in teglia. Disponibile in versione monoblocco o modulare. Strict lines and high output Rigorose Linienführung und große Leistung Electric modular ovens with 30 cm multiple chamber. Domitor is a true static-electric-baking classic offering excellent professional...
Katalog auf Seite 2 öffnen
Comandi Elettromeccanici Pannello di controllo con regolazione della temperatura attraverso termostati indipendenti per cielo e platea. Visualizzazione della temperatura con pirometro analogico. Interruttore generale e spie di controllo funzionamento. Electromechanical controls Control panel with temperature adjustment through independent thermostats for ceiling and bedplate. Temperature display with analogical pyrometer. General switch and functioning control lights. Commandes Electromécaniques Panneau de contrôle avec réglage de la température à travers thermostats indépendants voute et...
Katalog auf Seite 3 öffnen
CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Completa modularità e sovrapponibilità con collegamento elettrico separato. Piano cottura in refrattario (14 mm). Regolazione indipendente delle resistenze di cielo e di platea. Termostato di sicurezza a riarmo manuale. Frontale e porta in acciaio inox. Illuminazione interna con lampada alogena. Maniglia ergonomica in acciaio inox. Scarico fumi diretto. Camera cottura in lamiera alluminata. Cappa esterna neutra o motorizzata con variatore di velocità remoto (opzionali). Vetro porta in materiale vetroceramico.
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TECHNICAL FEATURES TECHNISCHE MERKMALE ⁄ Full modularity and superimposition with separated ⁄ Völlig modularen und übereinanderlegbaren Öfen electric connections. Differentiated power adjustment of the upper/lower heating elements. Stainless steel front part and door. Stainless steel ergonomic handle. Baking chamber in aluminated plate. Door glass made of pyroceram. Insulation made of eco-compatible fibroceramic and needle rock wool. Baking surface made of refractory stone (14 mm). Max baking temperature 400 °C. Safety thermostat with manual resetting. Internal lightning with halogen lamp....
Katalog auf Seite 5 öffnen
Alimentazione 3 Supply Alimentation Anschluss Alimentación Camera cottura (L x P x A) Baking chamber (W x D x H) Chambre de cuisson (L x P x H) Backraum (B x T x H) Cámara de cocción (A x P x A) Dimensioni esterne (L x P x A) External dimensions (W x D x H) Dimensions extérieures (L x P x H) Außenmaße (B x T x H) Dimensiones externas (A x P x A) Peso netto Net weight Poids net Nettogewicht Peso neto DOMITOR MODULAR Versione Monocamera / Single Chamber version / Version Mono Chambre / Einzelkammerversion / Versión Monocámara DOMITOR COMPACT Versione Bicamera / Double Chamber version /...
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LxPxA/WxDxH LxPxH/BxTxH AxPxA OPTIONALS Supporto light Light stand Support light Light Untergestell Soporte light Cella neutra /riscaldata* Neutral chamber / heated* Armoire neutre / réchauffée* Neutralzelle / Erwärmtezelle* Celda neutral / recalentada* Cappa neutra Neutral draught cap Hotte d’aspiration neutre Neutrale Dunstabzugshaube Campana extractora neutra Cappa di aspirazione completa Complete draught cap Hotte d’aspiration complète Komplette Dunstabzugshaube Campana extractora complete Set di 4 ruote (2 con freno) Set of 4 wheels (2 with brakes) Ensemble de 4 roues (2 avec freins) 4...
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Katalog auf Seite 8 öffnenAlle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von OEM - Pizza System - Your Pizza Hub
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SuperTop VARIO
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DOME - Elektro-Pizzaofen
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Kaltpresse - EASY 350 TOUCH
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Knetmaschine FX60VS Multi-Teig
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GAS SG Modular
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Pizza System
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AUREA product range 2017
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OEM Fittings
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Company profile
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Archivierte Kataloge
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Tunnel TL 105-108
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Durchlaufofen TL45DG
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Product Range 2016
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START - Bench pizza oven
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