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Fotografie pagg 12-13 Paolo Robazza Diego Paccagnella > Tutti i diritti di riproduzione anche parziale del testo e delle illustrazioni sono riservati in tutto il mondo. >

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Il progetto Lago si muove cercando di non dimenticare mai luomo.Per questo abbiamo progettato una fabbrica come se fosse la nostra casa. Perchҩ luomo che crea Ҩ luomo che usa. > Per noi il design non Ҩ un luogo comune. E il nostro carattere, la nostra passione, Ҩ ci che ci rende unici. Progettiamo prodotti pratici, solidi e felici offrendo ad ognuno lopportunit⒠ di creare il proprio design. > Produciamo qualitҠ, consapevoli che sar tale quando sar economicamente possibile a molti. Lago sa rendere accessibili le proprie idee. >

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It is not a factory: it is a social gesture. It is not an industrial shed: it is a new mental approach. It is not amirage: it is an oasis among cement boxes. The project of the Italian architect Chiucchini resulted into > ѹړ ̂ ه׋͇, ˝ړ ӷ˘ڂ̇fl ϋҒfl. ˹ړ ̂Gɒ͓ ȍӔے, ˝ړ ̓ڈ ς̚ǎ،˚ ȔӉıӉ. 隓 ̂ ϋNJ, ˝ړ ӇK Ғɋ Ȃς̋̚ڄ эӓד. LA > GO FABBRICA ͓flׁnj ǒˏ ԓfl˂ϔӂ͚ ۇı˚ړ ǠڇΓ 下ۍ͋̋. 隓 ˌ- Ƿˍǻ, ͓ړfl ǔӋBӉ˚ ғĎǒ̓ Ӓ̓˚ ύ˚fl τNJɇ͓̒ē ׋-Ӓړ˚ؒڂ. ǡɂҸ ژNjۚfl ҏɛ ғד ȷ·ēӉ̋ڂχڂˇ΋, ڌ׋ژ̋ڂ Ɏfl ԓϋگ΂̌ӄӒړ˚ؒڂ: ljfľ˚ ·ǎ͋, ͋ԋ ؋ ҚΓ, ͇ϋ؂ҍfl ǔ΋ڍ, ǒڇθ ˇΎ˛ϋ̋; ȇı˚ڛ̋ڂ ҋҚ˚, ӚNjۋ؋ Ӛ׌Ӓflڏ ؂Γ͇, ғINjۚ ćϓ̋،ۋ ۘ یǍΓ̌˚ı ͓̒ڛ͈ˈ. ቂҸ I ˒ۚҚ ׎DŽӚ̓ ӁɂȒڂ˂ ڂҚ̌ӄ Ӓڇ ̇ ڂΓ ˔ҋıˍ....

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Ricciolo stoolPackaging Lago in partenza! Prato della Valle,PadovaLa piazza pi grande dEuropa > 訬ԇ͓ Ǐӊ Қǚ ؒӉˏ˚, ςҎ ˔ˉǚ ؂ȓԉfǐۋ ۈ̓Қ. Packaging Collection 2004 ؖ ԓ, ڂ ͓ړ˚ Ȕ˂΂͎ ˛؂͓̋ ²ڂȌ͓ ȯ͓΋ ڄӓɇ ㋚ڇɂΎ (ǔӂˌȋfl 臉ۋ), ɇ ςӁϓʌӒڸ ҂ӷӉ̓ ڇKڸ ҂Ӌ ڂӘ͋ ԓғ׌Ӓڋ. œ΂ 120 ˚flҘ ͂ljǚ̋ڄ яӂ ۔ǍӂӘ̓ē ͇ړ̇ Ԃǚˎ˒ ؂ Ӊ̓ ӄӏ̓ ӎӚ̓, ̇ ͓ړӂ ɂڋ ҏӄ΋ ڔ΂Ҍۚ ؂fi Ғfi ڂӘ͓ ӓׇʂ̋. § Ӌݚ ӌ fi. Ҩˉ˂flǒ ؋ݚ˘͋ı ԋ̈˔ӂ G˘˚˚ ӍۊNjۋ؂ Ȓɋ, ڍǚӌ̇fl ۔Ǎӂ͇, ԓҎ fi Ԃ˘̓ē ˒ԓθS̋fl, ҍۘ˂ǂڒfl ˎč Ӕ˘ǂڒfl Ƿۂ ګRicciolo (ۡǂ˚Ӎ), ғ؂ڇfl ׂ ԓ΂Lӂ Ҕfl˚̋ڏ. Packaging Collection ֋ݚ ӍǍ ڂӘڂ, ӇB˂ǂڒfl ˔Ӊ˘͋ ӷ̓flfl Ҍӂ˚ϋ ԓڇϋ, ̓ڏ ˯flˏ. ˨Ӊۍȋfl Lago ԋɇfi ڙӏ ۂfi 勒ҋ (Mission Lago). Packaging ˖ ԓ...

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One cube, two cubes, a netⓔ of cubes with 40-cm-long sides that can be mixed and matched.Everyone can create a bookcase tailored to their needs and taste. Un cubo, dos cubos, una redӔ de cubos de 40 centmetros por lado se encuentran y se combinan ofreciendo a cada uno la oportunidad de crear unalibrera a su imagen y semejanza. Net ampla los lmites de la creatividad y no teme los lmites de espacio adaptndose con facilidad a las situaciones, dividiendo y creando nuevas reas. Uno de sus puntos de fuerza es el perno de unin vertical entre un cubo y el otro: esto permite la rotaciᳳn de cada uno...

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finiture: rovere morofinishes: dark oak Ausfhrungen: Eiche dunkel finitions: chne rouvre brun acabados: roble moro > 쪐ޑԐՐېڐ: АԑÐ ёՐܐݑː L 3967 H 1610 P 400/610 2627 >

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1. Porta tv girevole in vetro sabbiatoSwivel TV unit in sanded glass TV-Drehplatte aus sandgestrahltem Glas porte tv tournant en verre sabl elemento TV giratorio de cristal arenado > 鑂умба под ТВ вращающаяся из матовогостекла 2. Snodo in alluminioAluminium joint Gelenk aus Aluminium rotule en aluminiumarticulacin de aluminio > 㑈арнир из алюминия 3. Piedino in alluminioAluminium foot Fu aus Aluminium pied en aluminiumpata de aluminio > ߐАۑΐܐؐݐؐՐҐБ ϐݐސ֐ڐ 28 29 1 2 3 >

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finiture: laccato biancofinishes: biancoђ lacquer Ausfhrungen: bianco쑒 lackiertfinitions: laqu bianco鑒acabados: lacado biancoђ > Отделка: лакировка белого цвета L 5270 H 2810 P 2990 >

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36 37 contenitore in vetroglass storage unitContainer aus Glas conteneur en verre contenedor de cristal > ящики из стекла size="-1">

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finiture: contenitori laccato bianco con antein vetro e contenitori in vetro finishes: biancoђ lacquer storage units with glass doors and glass storage units Ausfhrungen: Container bianco쑒 lackiert mit Glastren und Container aus Glas finitions: conteneurs laqus 쩑bianco avec portesen verre et conteneurs en verre acabados: contenedores lacado ґbianco con puertas de cristal y contenedores de cristal > ҐޑԐՐېڐ: Бϑɐؐڐ ؐѐՐېސӐ ޑƐҐՑ АېАڐؑސҐАݐݑː ՑPԐҐՑڐАܐ ؐؐ בQՐڐې А ؑϑɐؐڐ ؐؐ בQՐڐې L 3784 H 1610 P 400/570 3839 >

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Studio della posizione da cui scattare la fotoDeciding where to shoot the photo from Checken der Position, aus der das Foto aufgenommen wird Etude de la position dans laquelle prendre la photo Estudio de la posicin de donde tomar la foto > 㐠акурс фотографии в разработке size="-1">

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finiture: (da sinistra) rovere moro, laccato amaranto, laccatorosso con ante in vetro, rovere chiaro, laccato bianco finishes: (L to R) dark oak, amarantoђ lacquer, rossoђ lacquer with glass doors, light oak, biancoђ lacquer Ausfhrungen: (von links) Eiche dunkel쑒, amarantoђ lackiert, rossoђ lackiert mit Glastren, Eiche hell, bianco쑒 lackiert. finitions: (de gauche droite) chne rouvre brun, laqu઩ amarantoђ, laqu rosso鑒 avec portes en verre, chne rouvre clair, laqu ꩑biancoacabados: (desde la izquierda) roble moro, lacado ґamaranto, lacado ґrosso con puertas de cristal, roble claro, lacado...

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Отделка:лакировка амарантового цвета исерый дуб 4445 finiture: laccato amaranto e rovere grigio finishes: amarantoђ lacquer and gray oak Ausfhrungen: amaranto쑒 lackiert und Eiche grau finitions: laqu amaranto鑒 et chne rouvre gris acabados: lacado amarantoꑒ y roble gris >

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finiture: laccato rosso con ante in vetro, laccato amarantofinishes: rossoђ lacquer with glass doors, amarantoђ lacquer Ausfhrungen: rosso쑒 lackiert mit Glastren, amaranto쑒 lackiert finitions: laqu rosso鑒 avec portes en verre, laqu amaranto鑒 acabados: lacado rossoђ con puertas de cristal, lacado amarantoђ > Отделка: лакировка красного цвета с дверками из стекла,лакировка амарантового цвета L 1162 H 1610 P 400 (un omino) 4647 >

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finiture: rovere moro, rovero chiarofinishes: dark oak, light oak Ausfhrungen: Eiche dunkel, Eiche hell finitions: chne rouvre brun, ch쪪ne rouvre clairacabados: roble moro, roble claro > Отделка: темный дуб, светлый дуб L 5048 H 2010 P 400 >

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