
We believe in the power of relationships. We want people to feel free to move, exchange opinions and grow together knowing that they have contributed to create a more sustainable environment.
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Led by Alberto and Andrea Bebi, IBEBI is an enthusiastic and dynamic collective of designers and planners, with art direction by Stormo Studio. Our products are created by observing how people use environments, how they work and relate to each other in a constantly changing world. We use empathy to understand new needs, fall in love with problems, and study solutions that will solve them by fostering comfort, privacy, and performance. That’s why IBEBI is also a laboratory of ideas, participatory and open, where insights and creativity can be cultivated. Guidato da Alberto e Andrea Bebi,...
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Environments that shape behaviors Public spaces are constantly evolving ecosystems, because the way we experience them is always changing. In such a stimulating, and sometimes chaotic, scenario, it is precisely the objects we choose to have next to us that act as a spur, binder and facilitator. This is why understanding how people move and have experiences together, how they think and make decisions for themselves and others in shared environments is the basis of IBEBI’s design philosophy. Ambienti che plasmano comportamenti Des environnements qui façonnent les comportements Umgebungen, die...
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IBEBI furnishes spaces to be lived intensely, those where to meet, work, relax and create relationships. It designs products suitable for the performance of different activities and tasks, to be combined for collectivity within fluid and agile spaces. Solutions designed to encourage freedom of movement and thought throughout the day, which find their greatest expression when they are able to inspire people and suggest new perspectives to them. Whether it’s an office, a school or a meeting room, we are committed to giving quick answers with customized, tailor-made products, some of which are...
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Silenzio Free Kumo Free Standing Standing 96 98 Kumo Cloud Kumo Tav 100 102
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Design by Arter&Citton Tam Tam is the vertically foldable table with an unmistakable design, the result of IBEBI’s creativity. This extraordinary piece of furniture is ideal for offices, conference rooms and training spaces, adapting stylishly to any situation thanks to its exceptional versatility. Featuring a steel tube support with an elliptical 60x30 mm section, Tam Tam boasts a solid and resistant structure. The Ø 100 mm castors with brakes ensure easy movement and enviable stability in the locked position. Tam Tam è il tavolo ripiegabile in verticale dall’inconfondibile design, frutto...
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New finishes: Veneered Wood in Light Oak and Linoleum. Nuove finiture: impiallacciatura Rovere Chiaro e Linoleum. Nouvelles finitions : placage Chêne Clair et Linoléum. Neue Ausführungen: Furniertes Holz in Eiche Hell und Linoleum. Painted steel box for 4 modules with electrical and/or multimedia system. Contenitore in acciaio verniciato a 4 moduli elettrici e/o multimediali. Boites en acier avec 4 modules électriques et/ou multimédia. Kabelwanne aus pulverbeschichtetem Stahl für 4 Module von elektrischen und/oder multimedialen Geräten.
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FRAME FINISHES Lacquered MDF Perfect Sense thk. 18 mm Chipboard covered in Writable Laminate thk. 20 mm Birch plywood covered Linoleum thk. 20 mm CERTIFICATIONS UNI EN 1730:2012 Compliance certificate: - BS EN 15372:2016, level 3° severe - ANSI-BIFMA X5.5:2014 FSC®
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Boss / Boss SC Design by Studio Stormo The Boss desk and table on castors are two versatile worktops that reflect the dynamism of contemporary professional spaces. The possibility of moving them with a simple action thanks to the castors, allows you to create a meeting room and a discussion area even in spaces normally intended for other functions. La scrivania e i tavoli su ruote Boss sono dei piani di lavoro versatili che rispecchiano la dinamicità degli spazi professionali contemporanei. La possibilità di spostarli con un semplice gesto grazie alle ruote consente di dare vita ad una sala...
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FRAME FINISHES Lacquered MDF Perfect Sense thk. 18 mm CERTIFICATIONS UNI EN 1730:2012 Compliance certificate with EN 15372:2016, 1° level FSC®
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Design by IBEBI Lab The Archimede flip-top table on castors is a functional and designer furnishing solution for meeting rooms, conference rooms and schools, in line with GPP criteria. Available in various shapes and colours, each Archimede table becomes easy to move and quick to put away after use. Our furnishing accessories are designed with the logic of cross-functional design and contribute to developing a new dimension of spaces: the dynamic one. Il tavolo ribaltabile su ruote Archimede è una soluzione d’arredo funzionale e di design pensata per sale riunioni, aule conferenza e scuole,...
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FRAME FINISHES Chipboard covered in Writable Laminate thk. 20 mm CERTIFICATIONS EN 1730:2012 Compliance certificate with BS EN 15372:2016, level 2° severe FSC® Modules uniques en technopolymère. Moduli singoli in tecnopolimero. Single modules in technopolymer. Lacquered MDF Perfect Sense thk. 18 mm
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Design by Angelo Pinaffo The Ulisses table is not just a simple table: it combines elegance and multifunctionality. The elegance and aesthetics of the table make it suitable for furnishing an executive or presidential office, a conference and meeting room and even prestigious events. Il tavolo Ulisses non è un semplice tavolo: unisce eleganza e multifunzionalità. L’eleganza e l’estetica del tavolo lo rendono adatto per l’arredo di un ufficio direzionale o presidenziale, una sala congressi e riunioni ed eventi anche prestigiosi. La table Ulisses n’est pas une simple table : elle allie...
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FRAME FINISHES Chipboard covered in Writable Laminate thk. 20 mm CERTIFICATIONS UNI EN 1730:2012 Compliance certificate with BS EN 15372:2016, level 2° FSC® Lacquered MDF Perfect Sense thk. 18 mm Ulisses can be supplied with linking devices to join table tops, various types of electrical kits and cable management systems. Ulisses può essere accessoriato con ganci di unione piani, kit elettrici di diverse composizioni e passacavi. Ulisses peut être accessoirisée avec des crochets pour la jonction des plateaux, avec différents kits électriques et des passe-câbles. Ulisses kann mit...
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Magazine SPACE 05
13 Seiten
Collection FR210S_Data Sheets
26 Seiten
Collection JOI_Data Sheets
6 Seiten
Collection NUME_Data Sheets
68 Seiten
Collection ULISSES_Data Sheets
13 Seiten
Collection TOSCA_Data Sheets
8 Seiten
Collection TIMO_Data Sheets
7 Seiten
Collection TAM TAM_Data Sheets
13 Seiten
Collection SIBI_Data Sheets
6 Seiten
Collection RISE_Data Sheets
8 Seiten
Collection PITAGORA_Data Sheets
12 Seiten
Collection OPLA_Data Sheets
25 Seiten
Collection MULTI_Data Sheets
30 Seiten
Collection KUMO_Data Sheets
21 Seiten
Collection KAI_Data Sheets
4 Seiten
Collection GALILEO_Data Sheets
5 Seiten
Collection FR210S_Data Sheets
30 Seiten
Collection CODEX_Data Sheets
5 Seiten
Collection BOSS_Data Sheets
24 Seiten
Collection BIO_Data Sheets
34 Seiten
Collection ARCHIMEDE_Data Sheets
17 Seiten
Archivierte Kataloge
Magazine Space 04
24 Seiten
Magazine Space 03
9 Seiten
Magazine Space 02
9 Seiten
Magazine Space 01 - Bio 2020
9 Seiten