
Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Model Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Tank volume(lt) Heating element(Kw) TRIEN availability INCLINED Roof support availability [Calpak Mark3 thermosiphonic systems] Calpak supports are made of galvanized steel angle 4 mm thick. They can be installed on a flat roof, on a tile roof or on a corrugated metal roof, depending on the needs of the user. They have two options of inclination: 45° and 30°. Calpak ensures a secure installation of its thermosiphonic water heaters for a maximum wind speed of 55m/s, according to the standard EN 1991-1-4. Details relevant to the wind resistance of the systems, as well as other useful technical information regarding the Calpak thermosiphonic systems are included in the technical documentation. Calpak-Cicero Hellas S.A. 9 Sygrou Ave., 11743 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 9247250 Fax: +30 210 9231616 email: export@calpak.gr www.calpak.gr The optimal solution for unparalleled efficiency and long life!
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[Calpak Mark3 thermosiphonic systems] Calpak Solar thermal systems provide the opportunity for immediate return on investment, and demonstrate a strong commitment to environmental responsibility. Calpak, for the last 35 years, offers to the global market the most powerful and durable Solar Thermal systems. Versatile systems designed to cover the needs of every application. The exceptional performance of our closed circuit systems derives from our unique characteristics which are: Horizontal tanks: 1. Thick insulation of the tank with expanded PU to have minimum heat losses 2. Double jacket...
Katalog auf Seite 2 öffnenAlle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von Calpak-Cicero Hellas
Vacuum VTN
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ES8 Selective
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Giga Selective GA
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ES flat plate selective
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VTS vacuum
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Archivierte Kataloge
Calpak vacuum
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