Gruppe: Aritco Lift AB


Aritco. Next Level Living. dESIgn& solutioNs The latest technology, sustainability and design from the world of Aritco lifts. It became like an oldfashioned consequences drawing game, It became like and after a an oldfashioned couple of months, consequences draw we came up with ing game, and after sketches. a couple of months, we came up with sketches. SUSTAINABLE INSIGHTS Aritco Report focusing on people and innovations. paGe 12 FUTURE IS HERE New Aritco HomeLift Compact is extra small but loaded with technology. paGe 14 Rotterdam-based architectural firm MVRDV. paGe 18 Cover photo by Viktor Sjödin EVELINA KROON, ARTIST.
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170 distributors, installers and service units in 50 countries All about our customers and the environment 7 Aritco voices 12 Aritco report Sustainable insights 16 Fairs, panels and reports 24 New DesignWall Pattern creators 29 Let BIM help out 31 When two becomes five Five-year product warranty Contact us ARITCO UK Prince’s Cottage 8 Cheyne Walk Northampton NN1 5PT United Kingdom Phone: +44 1604 808809 Email: info.uk@aritco.com HEADQUARTERS ARITCO SWEDEN Elektronikhöjden 14 175 43 Järfälla Sweden Phone: +46 8 120 401 00 Email: info@aritco.com ARITCO SPAIN S.L Av. de la Constitución 24,...
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ince Aritco moved to its new head office and factory in 2018, sustainability efforts have intensified. The new factory is CO2 neutral and is powered by geothermal heat, solar panels and 100 percent environmentally certified electricity. The vehicle fleet is powered by electric or hybrid engines, and when the head office replaced furniture, it used 80 percent recycled furniture. continuously growing, that we have installed around the world? And how can we improve durability, upgradability and recyclability to extend the lifetime of the products and materials used. “However, the...
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PLATFORM LIFTS SINCE 1995 In 1995, four young entrepreneurs decided to execute a simple, brilliant plan to improve mobility for people everywhere. etter, Klas, Roine and Claes founded Aritco in a living room in Kungsängen outside Stockholm in 1995. All four had extensive experience in the lift business, and all agreed that there was a need for a new kind of product. A lift that would be easier to install, easier to operate and significantly less expensive than the lifts that were on the market back then. The four of them, all engineers, built their first lift by hand and called it the...
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Aritco voices Aritco voices Aritco's Nordic Sales Manager Peter Sälgström has been a part of launching several lifts in the Nordic market. In 2022, he is celebrating 12 years with Aritco. “Being a pioneer is nothing new for Aritco. Since I’ve been with the company, many decisions have enabled us to become a very strong, well-known brand today.” Niklas Karlsson came to Aritco as Sales Director. Now he is Vice President Products, Services & Technology with a team responsible for ensuring that Aritco continues to lead the platform lift industry. How far in the future are your thoughts? “We are...
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Aritco is now enlisting the help of artificial intelligence to produce its lifts. The AI technology’s first impact was on the quality of Aritco’s lift doors. Aritco produces 300 lift doors per week. The doors are often specially ordered and built by hand. It is a complex process, and if the lift door has a defect, the lift will not work. Worse, a door defect is often first detected only when installing the lift. “If a lift is to be installed in Kuala Lumpur, and it doesn’t have a working door, it may be several days before we have a new one in place,” says Klas Dybeck, Chief Information...
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Aritco report sustainAble insights Sustainability work has been on Aritco’s agenda since the company was founded 27 years ago. The results include, among other things, a climate-neutral factory and lifts that can be up to 95 percent recycled. In this year's 40-page edition of the Aritco Report, the focus is on people and innovations that improve sustainability to solve climate-critical issues in our homes and offices. “Basically, the future of the manufacturing industry is about how well you manage to solve tomorrow's climate-critical challenges,” says David Schill, Global Marketing...
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dyNamic duo With the new Aritco HomeLift Compact, Aritco is focusing further on sustainability and the Internet of Things (IoT). Petra Lind and Linus Nyman, who are leading Aritco's lift development program, discuss key ambitions and what lies ahead. Why do we need a new compact lift? Petra Lind (PL): The Aritco HomeLift Compact is a new lift in our home lift portfolio. It is aimed to fit a part of the market where our other lifts don't fit. Many properties do not need a large lift that is used all the time but a lift that makes the entire property accessible in case of special needs. The...
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Fairs, panels and reports NEXT LEVEL LIVING TALKS Every year, Aritco participates in major design fairs around the world. In connection with the fairs, Aritco invites a panel of various experts to discuss what will govern how we live life at home. “In these Next Level Living Talks, Aritco has created exciting conversations about the technology, design, sustainability and architecture of the future,” says Joakim Gustafsson, Head of Marketing Operations. Why do you choose the biggest design fairs and not regular construction fairs? “We are at those fairs as well, but then it is our local...
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Tianjin Binhai Library, Tianjin, China, 2017 MVRDV and Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institute (TUPDI) have completed Tianjin Binhai Library as part of a larger masterplan to provide a cultural district for the city. The 33,700m2 cultural centre featuring a luminous spherical auditorium and floor-to-ceiling cascading bookcases functions not only as an education centre but as a social space and connector from the park into the cultural district. Function, relevance and sustainability for people and the environment are guiding stars for the Rotterdam-based architectural firm MVRDV. “Our...
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Aritco HomeLift - Product Catalog DE
34 Seiten