Worldwide Catalog



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Comfortable experiences all over the world. Esperienze di comfort per tanti luoghi diversi, in tutto il mondo. it — Expériences de confort pour des lieux différents, dans le monde entier. fr — Komfort-Erfahrungen an unterschiedlichen Orten auf der ganzen Welt. de — Experiencias de confort para diferentes espacios, en todo el mundo.

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Company Profile it — Le nostre competenze ci consentono di avere e offrire una visione strategica trasversale a diversi ambiti. Theatres, auditoriums and multipurpose halls 2 Educational and training rooms 3 Complex project management 6 1 Spazi di lavoro. 2 Teatri, centri congressi e sale polivalenti. 3 Aule per la didattica e la formazione. 4 Spazi per l’ospitalità. 5 Soluzioni acustiche. 6 Gestione progetti complessi. 1 Espaces de travail. 2 Théâtres, centres de congrès et salles polyvalentes. 3 Salles pour l’enseignement et la formation. 4 Espaces d’accueil. 5 Solutions acoustiques....

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Company Profile Dialogue with the customer /designer Official tests performed by external bodies Company profile Technical skill and a flexible approach allow us to work alongside our customers throughout the design process. We research and imagine customised solutions to meet specific needs, collaborating with architectural firms to develop new products. Prototyping components (* rapid prototyping with 3D printer) Customised offer Mockup creation In-house testing it — Al sapere delle nostre mani abbiamo affiancato competenze tecniche specializzate e un approccio flessibile per essere a...

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Company Profile Sound influences our ability to enjoy an environment and helps restore a feeling of complete harmony. it — Il suono influenza la nostra capacità di vivere un luogo e contribuisce a restituire una sensazione di completa armonia. Per questo abbiamo creato una divisione dedicata allo studio e alla progettazione del comfort acustico degli spazi. Sono nati così i prodotti fonoassorbenti multimaterici per pareti, tavoli, lampade e sedute. fr — Le son influence notre capacité à vivre un lieu et donne une sensation de parfaite harmonie. C’est pourquoi nous avons créé un service...

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Company Profile Contract Design Network Our strengths: Multi-material sound-absorbing coverings Punti di forza: — Progettazione integrata e condivisa. — Tempi di realizzazione rapidi. — Rapporto diretto tra aziende e committente. — Elevata qualità. — Prodotti realizzati in Italia. — Referente unico. — Valore finale competitivo. it — Points forts : — Conception intégrée et partagée. — Délais de réalisation réduits. — Relation directe entre entreprises et maître d’ouvrage. — Qualité supérieure. — Produits réalisés en Italie. — Interlocuteur unique. — Valeur finale compétitive. fr — Gardens...

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Some of our projects all over the world Theatres 18 Carmen Würth Forum Eifman Ballet Theatre Teatro Comunale di Bologna Ekaterinburg Expo Exhibition Centre Teatro Olimpico Auditorium della Tecnica Teatro Radar Educational institutions Auditoriums and multi-purpose halls Università del Piemonte Orientale Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Dasman Bilingual School Workplaces, Hospitality and Sports 106 École Spéciale de Travaux Publics Palazzo Lombardia Almar Jesolo Resort & Spa American Airlines Arena

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it — «Lavoriamo insieme ai più importanti progettisti internazionali per creare spazi dove incontrarsi, imparare, riunirsi e lavorare. Abbiamo portato il comfort delle nostre sedute in Italia e in tutto il mondo, completando progetti significativi con le capacità tecniche e il saper fare tipico dell'italian style.» fr — «Nous travaillons avec les plus grands designers internationaux pour créer des espaces où se rencontrer, apprendre, se réunir et travailler. Nous avons apporté le confort de nos sièges en Italie et dans le monde entier, en réalisant des projets importants grâce aux...

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From the Venice Design Manufacturing District, to a worldwide presence. it — Dal Venice Design Manufacturing District a una presenza capillare mondiale. fr — Du Venice Design Manufacturing District à une présence très dense dans le monde entier. Vom Venice Design Manufacturing District zu einer weltweiten Präsenz. es — Del Venice Design Manufacturing District a una vasta presencia mundial. n Unsere n Proyectos realizados Projektumsetzungen

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Carmen Würth Forum – p. 18, Teatro Comunale di Bologna – p. 24, Eifman Ballet Theatre – p. 30, Teatro Olimpico – p. 36, Musiktheater – p. 42, Teatro Radar

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Carmen Würth Forum Künzelsau, Germany David Chipperfield Architects Müller-BBM Acoustic Consultant Carmen Würth Forum Tribune seating of 580 custom armchairs. 580 poltrone custom su tribuna. 580 fauteuils personnalisés en tribune. 580 maßgefertigte Sessel auf der Tribüne. 580 butacas custom de tribuna.

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Carmen Würth Forum Carmen Würth Forum

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Carmen Würth Forum The Carmen Würth Forum cultural center is the magnate Reinhold Würth's tribute to his wife Carmen. The renowned architectural firm David Chipperfield Architects was selected to realize this ambitious project, and decided on a design that integrates the building with its surrounding landscape. The project area, which extends over eleven thousand square meters, is located just a stone's throw away from the Würth Museum and the central headquarters of the Würth Group, which is a world leader in the distribution of products and systems for fastening and assembly. For the...

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