Educational Catalog



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Comfortable experiences for training rooms, multipurpose and lecture halls.

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Comfortable experiences for training rooms, multipurpose and lecture halls. Esperienze di comfort per sale polivalenti, aule per la didattica e la formazione. it — Expériences de confort pour salles polyvalentes, salles pour l’enseignement et la formation. fr — Bequeme Erlebniswelten für Mehrzweckhallen, Lehr-und Ausbildungsräume. Experiencias de confort para salas polivalentes, aulas de enseñanza y formac

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Company profile it — Le nostre competenze ci consentono di avere e offrire una visione strategica trasversale a diversi ambiti. Auditoriums, theatres and multipurpose halls 2 Educational and training rooms 3 Complex project management 6 1 Spazi di lavoro. 2 Teatri, centri congressi e sale polivalenti. 3 Aule per la didattica e la formazione. 4 Spazi per l’ospitalità. 5 Soluzioni acustiche. 6 Gestione progetti complessi. 1 Espaces de travail. 2 Théâtres, centres de congrès et salles polyvalentes. 3 Salles pour l’enseignement et la formation. 4 Espaces d’accueil. 5 Solutions acoustiques....

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Company profile Dialogue with the customer /designer Official tests performed by external bodies Company profile Technical skill and a flexible approach allow us to work alongside our customers throughout the design process. We research and imagine customised solutions to meet specific needs, collaborating with architectural firms to develop new products. Prototyping components (* rapid prototyping with 3D printer) Customised offer Mockup creation In-house testing it — Al sapere delle nostre mani abbiamo affiancato competenze tecniche specializzate e un approccio flessibile per essere a...

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Company profile fr — La qualité et la sécurité de l’entreprise et de nos produits sont attestées par des organismes tiers certifiés. Each product has a value-added feature. All our products and processes are certified. Valore aggiunto in ogni singolo prodotto. Certifichiamo tutto quello che facciamo e come lo facciamo. Une valeur ajoutée dans chaque produit. Tous nos produits et procédés sont certifiés. Valor añadido en cada producto. Certificamos todo lo que hacemos y cómo lo hacemos. es — Nuestra calidad, la seguridad de nuestra empresa y de nuestros productos están avalados por entidades...

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Index Lecture halls Omnia Evolution Campus Studio Omnia Contract Omnia Contract In-seat power Wheelchair workstation

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Lecture halls Omnia Evolution - p. 12 Omnia - p. 30 Thesi - p. 44

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Lecture halls Omnia Evolution OMNIA EVOLUTION è un sistema integrato di sedute e tavoli, estremamente modulare, che consente di massimizzare il numero di posti installati e di garantire, nel contempo, prestazioni elevate e un’ergonomia di eccellenza. Può essere adattato a sale in piano, in curva, su gradone o in pendenza. Il tavolo può essere equipaggiato con un meccanismo di ribaltamento antipanico estremamente efficiente. it — OMNIA EVOLUTION est un système intégré de sièges et de tables, extrêmement modulaire, qui permet de maximiser le nombre de sièges installés tout en garantissant des...

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Lecture halls Learn more about closing technologies with the QR code. Omnia Evolution Master from 0 to 27 cm step height Master / silent mechanism Master / anti-panic tablet Master anti-panic tablet Master

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Lecture halls Omnia Evolution Soft Soft Master / anti-panic curve inst. tablets / power Soft anti-panic curve inst. tablets power / Master

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Lecture halls Omnia Evolution Pad from 28 to 35 cm step height / laminated / headrest Pad / laminated Beam curved / fixed table Acoustic Upright fixed table / Beam curved

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Lecture halls Omnia Evolution Master from 36 cm step height / custom color Soft plus Beam / anti-panic tablet / horizontal storage Steel horizontal storage / anti-panic tablet power beam / Beam

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Lecture halls Tablet STEEL en - Frontal panel in beech plywood or faced with laminate it - Frontale in multistrato di faggio o rivestito in laminato fr - Panneau frontal en bois de hêtre contreplaqué ou revêtu en stratifié de - Frontpaneel aus sichtbarem Buchensperrholz oder mit Laminat beschichtet es - Frontal en contrachapado de haya o con revestimiento laminado en - Frontal panel in coated plate metal it - Frontale in lamiera verniciata fr - Panneau frontal en tôle peinte de - Frontpaneel aus lackiertem Blech es - Frontal de chapa pintada en - Upholstered frontal panel it - Frontale...

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Lecture halls Seat & back Seat & back (from 0 to 27 cm step height) (from 36 cm step height) en - Seat and backrest in beech plywood it - Sedile e schienale in multistrato di faggio fr - Assise et dossier en bois de hêtre contreplaqué de - Sitzfläche und Rückenlehne aus sichtbarem Buchensperrholz es - Asiento y respaldo en contrachapado de haya en - Seat and backrest in beech plywood with upholstered panels it - Sedile e schienale in multistrato di faggio a vista con pannelli tappezzati fr - Assise et dossier en bois de hêtre contreplaqué avec placés tapissés de - Sitzfläche und Rückenlehne...

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Lecture halls Power POWER (only fixed tablet) POWER & MULTIMEDIA POWER BEAM Omnia Evolution en - Metal beam with 1 track predisposed for electrical/data sockets. The structure allows transit of cables between ducts and from the floor it - Trave metallica a 1 via predisposta per presa elettrica/dati La struttura permette il passaggio cavi tra travi e dal pavimento fr - Poutre métallique à 1 voie prévue pour prise électrique / données. La structure permet de faire passer les câbles entre les poutres et à partir du sol de - 1-Weg-Metalltraverse, ausgelegt für Strom-/Datensteckdosen. Der Rahmen...

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