Comfortable experiences for workplaces,waiting,educational and training rooms.



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Esperienze di comfort per spazi di lavoro, attesa, aule per la didattica e la formazione. it — Expériences de confort pour les espaces de travail et d’accueil, et pour les salles dédiées à l’enseignement et à la formation. fr — Bequeme Erlebniswelten für Arbeitsplätze, Warte-, Schulungsund Trainingsräume. Experiencias confortables para espacios de trabajo, aulas educativas y

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Company profile it — Le nostre competenze ci consentono di avere e offrire una visione strategica trasversale a diversi ambiti. Theatres, auditoriums and multipurpose halls 2 Educational and training rooms 3 Complex project management 6 1 Spazi di lavoro. 2 Teatri, centri congressi e sale polivalenti. 3 Aule per la didattica e la formazione. 4 Spazi per l’ospitalità. 5 Soluzioni acustiche. 6 Gestione progetti complessi. 1 Espaces de travail. 2 Théâtres, centres de congrès et salles polyvalentes. 3 Salles pour l’enseignement et la formation. 4 Espaces d’accueil. 5 Solutions acoustiques....

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Company profile — Ricercare l’eccellenza, nei diversi settori di competenza e in ogni fase del processo produttivo è il nostro modo di essere. — Notre façon d’être peut se résumer ainsi : recherche de l’excellence, dans les différents secteurs de compétence et à chaque phase du processus de production. — Wir streben nach Höchstleistungen in den verschiedenen Leistungsbereichen und in jeder Phase des Produktionsprozesses. So verstehen wir uns. — Buscar la excelencia en los diferentes sectores de competencia y en cada fase del proceso de producción es nuestra forma de ser. We dedicate a great...

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Comfortable experiences for workplaces,waiting,educational and training rooms. - 5

Company profile it — Al sapere delle nostre mani abbiamo affiancato competenze tecniche specializzate. fr — À notre savoir manuel, nous avons ajouté des compétences techniques spécialisées. Neben den handwerklichen Fertigkeiten haben wir auch spezielle technische Fähigkeiten entwickelt. es — Al saber hacer de nuestras manos, hemos sumado habilidades técnicas especializadas. La prototipazione rapida rientra nel percorso industria 4.0 di ingegnerizzazione del processo per una gestione controllata. fr — L’imprimante 3D nous permet de développer les produits en étant ponctuels et dans des...

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Comfortable experiences for workplaces,waiting,educational and training rooms. - 6

Company profile Certifications — La nostra qualità, la sicurezza dell’azienda e dei nostri prodotti sono attestate da enti terzi certificati. — Unsere Qualität, die Sicherheit unseres Unternehmens und unserer Produkte werden durch zertifizierte Drittunternehmen bestätigt. — La qualité et la sécurité de l’entreprise et de nos produits sont attestées par des organismes tiers certifiés. Each product has a value-added feature. All our products and processes are certified. — Valore aggiunto in ogni singolo prodotto. Certifichiamo tutto quello che facciamo e come lo facciamo. — Une valeur...

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Comfortable experiences for workplaces,waiting,educational and training rooms. - 7

Indice Office Trendy  Family Link  Family Naxos Acoustic Papillon  Family Omnia Contract Eura  Family

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Comfortable experiences for workplaces,waiting,educational and training rooms. - 8

Office Parlament — p. 14 Trendy  Family — p. 22 Amadeus — p. 38 Link  Family — p. 46 Dotway Family — p. 64 Zero7  Family — p. 84 Paddle — p. 1

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Comfortable experiences for workplaces,waiting,educational and training rooms. - 12

en Materials — Seat and backrest in beech plywood padded with flexible differentiateddensity self-extinguishing polyurethane. Backrest types — High with headrest. — Low. Base types — Four-spoke base in polished aluminium with nylon feet. — Five-spoke base in nylon or polished aluminium with castors or fixed feet. Self-braking swivel castors made of nylon with polyurethane tread. Fixed feet in nylon. Mechanisms — Seat height adjustment with gas cylinder. — Lumbar support height adjustment. — Seat tilt with Synchron multiblock mechanism, Synchron multiblock with adjustable seat depth,...

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Trendy Family Trendy Family Trendy First Class

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Trendy First Class Trendy First Class Trendy Family

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Trendy First Class Trendy Family Trendy First Class

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Trendy First Class Trendy Family Trendy First Class

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Trendy Family Trendy Family Materials All models — Seat, backrest and headrest (if present) in beech plywood with padding in flexible self-extinguishing differential-density polyurethane. Ergonomic lumbar support in polypropylene. Materiali Tutti i modelli — Sedile e schienale in legno multistrato di faggio con imbottitura in poliuretano flessibile autoestinguente a densità differenziata. Supporto lombare ergonomico in polipropilene. Matériaux Tous les modèles — Assise, dossier et éventuel appuie-tête en bois de hêtre multiplis avec rembourrage en polyuréthane flexible autoextinguible à...

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Comfortable experiences for workplaces,waiting,educational and training rooms. - 24

Materials — Seat in birch plywood and backrest in tubular steel with padding in self-extinguishing cold-moulded polyurethane foam. Meccanismi — Regolazione in altezza della seduta con pompa a gas. — Oscillazione della poltrona con movimento sincron multiblock, con regolazione dell’oscillazione e sistema di sicurezza anti-ritorno. Types of backrest — High with headrest. — Low. Armrests — Closed and integrated with the backrest, in varnished beech or upholstered. — Open in integral skin polyurethane with steel insert or upholstered. (1) Mechanisms — Seat height adjustment with gas cylinder. —...

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Link Family Link Plus Link Family Link XPlus

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Link XPlus Link XPlus Link Family

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Link XPlus Link Family Link XPlus

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Link Plus Link Plus Link Family

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Link Plus Link Family Link Plus

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Link Plus Link Family Link Plus

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Link Family Link Family Materials Link and Link Plus — Seat in beech plywood with padding in self-extinguishing shape-retaining synthetic foam. Backrest with tubular steel frame and elastic fire-retardant mesh. Materiali Link e Link Plus — Sedile in legno multistrato di faggio con imbottitura in resine espanse indeformabili autoestinguenti. Schienale con struttura in tubolare d’acciaio e rete elasticizzata ignifuga. Matériaux Link et Link Plus — Assise en bois de hêtre multiplis avec rembourrage en résines expansées indéformables autoextinguibles. Dossier avec structure en tubes d’acier et...

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